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Bass Anglers Federation By-Laws and Club Rules:

BAF is a group of anglers that enjoy the competitive nature of fishing and the camaraderie of the other anglers in the group. This club has a good mix of competitiveness and good humor fun all mixed into one. To become a member of the club you must show interest in the club and want to participate in the events and meetings held every month.

Membership Dues:

Annual dues will be collected every January of the new year. BAF club dues are $30.00 plus TBF Membership which is $55 and are to be paid to the Treasurer. If dues are not collected by the February tournament then that member will not be allowed to participate. The member will not be in good standing and placed on probation until the dues are paid. Club fees go towards awards for the year and permit fees for the tournaments. Any remaining funds will be dispersed either in championship funds or prizes or an end of the year party. Dues are never used for personal gain.

TBF dues are $55, $5 of which goes to the Nevada Bass Federation, and $50 goes to The Bass Federation for your TBF membership. TBF membership includes many types of benefits and discounts.


Meetings will be held on the first Thursday of every month.


BAF will have 5 board members, they will be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Vice President is also the Tournament Director. The President will run the meetings, if the President is unable to attend the meetings then the Vice President will preside followed by the Treasurer if needed. If there are any discrepancies with rules or rule violations the board members must meet and come to agreement on how to correct the issue. Any complaint with the club must be dealt with by the board members and their decision about the complaint is final.

Board member elections are held every year in the December meeting. Term of office will be from January to December. If a board position becomes vacant then BAF will hold elections at the next meeting to fill the vacancy.

The 2022 Club Officers are:

Ryland Ogle, President

Jason Bryan, Tournament Director

Alan Zamora, Treasurer

Ryan Getz, Secretary


The club will hold 12 tournaments a year. The points season will begin in January and end in December. During our point tournaments an angler will be able to throw away 2 of their lowest scores.

The year end points leader (AOY) for both Boater and Co-Angler will be determined by their best 10 of 12 points tournaments.

The sites for the tournaments will be decided in the December meeting of every year. It is highly recommended that every member attends this meeting so they can vote on the dates for the upcoming fishing season. Once the dates are set, they are final. Only the Board Members may allow for a date change if an unforeseen circumstance arises.

Tournament Payouts:

Tournament payouts will be calculated on the number of anglers fishing in the tournament. The layout is as follows:

1-12 anglers pays 1st place only

13-24 anglers pays 1st and 2nd place

25-36 anglers pays 1st, 2nd and 3rd

37 anglers and up pays 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

Tournament Points:

1st - 100 pts.

2nd 97 pts.

3rd. 94 pts.

4th. 92 pts.

5th. 90 pts.

6th. 89 pts.

7th. On down 88, 87, 86 and so on.

Teams weighing in 0 fish will get last place points as long as they show up to the weigh in. (ex. Team 7 and 8 have 0 fish to weigh but show up to weigh in, each team gets 88 points.)

Tournament draws and fees:

The draw for tournament partners will be done the Friday night before the tournament. The draw will be done by the Tournament Director. No boater/non boater combination will fish consecutive tournaments together. If there are not enough co-anglers, boaters may fish by themselves. NO boater may ask to be withheld from the draw. The tournament fee is $40 per angler.

Tournament Entries are paid out as follows; $5.00 per angler is awarded for big fish for the tournament. $5.00 per angler is reserved for the AOY prize fund. The remainder ($30.00 per angler) is paid out in full for the top finishers.

Co-anglers are to pay their boaters gas money for each day fished. Minimum amount to be $40.00. It is the co-anglers responsibility to communicate with their boater as to how much they owe. It is at the Boaters discretion if the amount is to be over $40.00 (obviously if you make a long run the gas used will be higher therefore more gas money due) If there is an issue with gas money it is to be directed to the officers of the club and discussed to a resolution.

Any boater/co-angler no call/no show for a tournament or shows up after launch without proper notification that individual owes their partner $40.00 to be paid by the next meeting or that member will be removed from good standing and placed on probation.


There are no off-limits days for club tournaments. Only legal fishing areas are allowed for all tournaments fished in BAF, if unsure check with your local law agency for legal fishing areas.


If a member receives a ticket on the water for any infraction, the BOATER will be disqualified and will not receive any tournament points, the co-angler will not be penalized for the infraction and will receive the fish weight, points and any prize money. Conversely, if the co-angler is responsible, they will be disqualified and will not receive any tournament points.

Life Vest:

It is the responsibility of each angler to wear a legal life vest. Under new laws the boater must wear a life vest and have the kill switch attached ANY time the big motor is under power. It is the co-anglers responsibility to have a life jacket prior to the tournament. It is not the boaters responsibility to provide a life jacket for his co-angler.

Size and Limit:

The limit is 5 fish with a 13” minimum length. All fish will be measured closed mouth and tail pinched. The tournament director will use an approved measuring board but it is the anglers responsibility to make sure that their boards measure the same as the approved board. Dead fish will be penalized 2 oz. (0.12 lbs.). Short fish will be penalized 8 oz. (0.50 lb.) and loss of that fish weight. If you are late to the weigh-in the penalty is a deduction of one pound per minute, 15 minutes late will result with disqualification.

Big Fish of the Tournament:

A fish must be alive to be eligible, Big Fish winnings to be split 50/50 with team members.

Tournament Director Rules (TD):

1. Member involvement, Event volunteer staff per draw.

a. Boat 1 - check in official. This is for every boat, IE all flights.

b. Last 3 boats out by the draw, Last boat is Launch boat. The other 2 are boat inspection/Live well check officials.

2. TD always in flight 1.

a. If the TD is in the 2nd flight after the draw, The TD will switch with the last boat in the first flight.

3. Event cancellation/reschedule. Unless severe weather is predicted, and particularly for us the winds, we will go to the ramp and assess then. Winds predicted at 30 knots or more the day prior will result in a cancellation or reschedule. All members will be notified. Per permit guidelines, if we arrive at the ramp and there are two flags out we must cancel/reschedule. If we go to the ramp, and wind condition has significantly deteriorated, the Club President and TD will request inputs from members and decide on one of the two options:

a. Cancel/reschedule.

b. If practical, determine a safe time on the water and adjust check in. IE: Severe winds forecasted to begin at 1PM, weigh in will then be 1230 and 1245 for flights 1 and two respectfully.

4. Draws: We will conduct the initial draw during the meeting. There will be a final draw the Thursday before the event. All BAF member boaters without a CO Angler after the initial draw, and BAF member boaters and CO anglers requesting to fish the event, but did not make the first draw, will be included in this draw. BAF member boaters that were in the initial draw shall retain their boat number. After the final draw, the roster is locked EXCEPT for #5 below.

5. Boaters, after the final draw if the club was unable to get you a co-angler may request with the Club President, and must be approved by the Club President, for a CO Angler or Guest ride along to join them for the event. The following applies:

a. Requests for either will not be approved until after the final draw.

b. Co-Angler, Defined as an individual that will fish.

i. Must be a direct family member. IE Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter, Wife, brother sister, etc.

ii. Co-Angler must join the club as a CO and pay annual dues ($85) at registration for the event.

iii. Once approved, the TD will be notified by the President and Co-Angler will be added to the roster. The TD will coordinate with the secretary as needed for preparing the necessary paperwork.

6. Guest Ride Along- Defined as an individual that will not fish.

a. Guest may only assist in the launching and recovering of boat. Guest may not fish, assist boater in landing fish, or operate the boat. Exception of course is in the event of an emergency. Any verified disputes of this rule will result in the boater being disqualified.

b. No fees are required for a guest ride along.

c. Guest shall abide by all BAF safety rules such as wearing of life jacket while big motor is running.

d. Once approved, the TD will be notified by the President.


Protests can be made to a club officer 30 minutes after the weigh-in has concluded. The board members will meet with the angler, hear the protest, and then make a ruling as voted on by the board members present at the tournament.

Alcoholic Beverages:

There will be NO alcoholic beverages until the weigh in has commenced and ALL competitors’ boats are out of the water and on trailers. NO EXCEPTIONS

Bass Anglers Federation - Nevada

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